I graduated from South Fremont High School in St. Anthony, Idaho in 1983.  While there I took a couple of art classes, sparking an intense interest in the arts. I had the opportunity to do a few projects for our class including sketching the cover of our graduation announcements. Most of my education actually came from art shows on TV and from art books.  I did have the opportunity to take a class taught by Vern Russell, which was a wonderful experience.

I love painting nature and wildlife. I think my love for the outdoors comes from the family values I was taught on the farm in Wilford, Idaho.  I was raised in the same house that my Great-Grandpa Birch built, on the farm he homesteaded, when he and his brothers settled the area. I come from a long line of farmers and ranchers, hunters and fishermen, and that love of nature has been passed down to me. I think that is why I try so hard to capture the beauty of this area. Sadly, the house , barn and farm were swept away by the Teton Dam disaster in 1976.

I started out sketching with pencil and charcoal as a child, then moved onto oils in high school and I now mainly prefer acrylics.  A friend once asked me to paint a mural on her wall and then others started asking. By word of mouth I started making money at it.  The first painting I ever sold was to Lynn Klein and Wanda Harshbarger where it was hung in the Relay Station when it was open.

I also enjoy painting on old things like milk cans, saw blades, wood, tables and chairs. I also enjoy etching glass and carving moose antlers.

I hope you enjoy looking at my art as much as I enjoy creating it. Each piece is a work of love.